Lopez Elementary selected as a Leader in Me Legacy school!

Lopez Elementary, a Leader in Me School is officially one of fewer than 20 Leader in Me Legacy Schools in the world!

Leader in Me is an evidence-based education model designed by Franklin Covey Education to build perseverance and leadership in students. The model emphasizes the skills of critical thinking, creativity, teamwork, problem solving, setting and achieving goals, and more to create a culture and climate dedicated to helping students find the leader in themselves.

If you are a member of the Lopez community past or present, please mark your calendars for a special celebration on May 22!

To become a Leader in Me Legacy School, a school must first become a Leader in Me Lighthouse School, typically within their first five years as a Leader in Me site, by demonstrating that they have implemented the model with fidelity and excellence. A school must then sustain Lighthouse certification for at least eight years, show continued growth in meeting Lighthouse criteria, and consistently contribute to the Leader in Me community before earning Legacy status.

Congratulations, Lopez!

Drone shot of Lopez Elementary school community standing outside.