Facilities Studies

During the 2022-23 school year, PSD contracted with McKinstry Essention LLC, an independent third party, to conduct a thorough analysis of the district’s buildings and systems. This analysis includes creation of a comprehensive facility condition assessment (FCA), a feasibility study specific to the possible installation of solar energy options at schools, a feasibility study specific to the possible installation of air conditioning in schools, and a retrocommissioning study. As the McKinstry team completes each of these studies, they will be posted to this page on the PSD website.

The findings of these studies will also be shared publicly in PSD Board of Education meetings throughout the 2023-24 school year. PSD will use the information presented in these studies to inform long-term planning associated with the maintenance of our facilities. 



  • Retro Commissioning Study 
    • Progress update to the Board of Education, Dec. 12, 2023


Contact Information

Please email questions to info@psdschools.org.