Budget Factors

Impacts on School Funding

Colorado laws, the budget stabilization factor and money from marijuana all have an impact on school funding. Please see below for information about these factors.

Colorado laws 

  • The Gallagher Amendment requires that residential and corporate tax rates be at a 45% / 55% split. Property tax rates are adjusted when this proportion gets out of balance.
  • TABOR (Taxpayers Bill of Rights) sets limits on the amount of revenue that can be collected, imposed a limit on property taxes and eliminated the ability of local elected officials to increase property assessment rates.
  • Amendment 23 established base per-pupil funding for K-12 education, to be increased at least by the rate of inflation. During the 2009 recession, the state legislature decided it could not fund the cost of inflation for school funding. The "Budget Stabilization Factor was created to stabilize the state budget, which reduced revenue for schools. 


Budget Stabilization Factor (Negative Factor)

Contact Information

Budget Director
Brian Gustafson | bgustafson@psdschools.org

Chief Financial Officer
Dave Montoya | davem@psdschools.org