
Poudre School District Organization 

The PSD Board of Education oversees the Superintendent (Brian Kingsley |

The Superintendent's Cabinet meets weekly and is made up of district leadership staff who advise the superintendent, including:

  • General Counsel (Autumn Aspen)
  • Assistant Superintendent of Schools (Dr. Julie Chaplain, Dr. Traci Gile, Dr. Insoon Olson)
  • Chief Institutional Effectiveness Officer (Dr. Dwayne Schmitz)
  • Chief Finance Officer (Dave Montoya)
  • Chief Technology Officer (Bud Hunt)
  • Chief of Staff (Lauren Hooten)
  • Chief Information Officer (Madeline Novey) 

Contact Information

Assistant Superintendents of Schools
Provide leadership and support for schools and programs 

Dr. Julie Chaplain |

Dr. Traci Gile | 

Dr. Insoon Olson |


Chief Institutional Effectiveness Officer
Oversees the Assessment and Research/Evaluation Departments. Facilitates a culture of data-informed leadership throughout PSD with a goal of closing outcome gaps systemwide.

Dr. Dwayne Schmitz | 970.490.3693 |


Chief Finance Officer 
Oversees the district budget while planning for the future and maintaining fiscal transparency

Dave Montoya | 970.490.3355 |

Chief Technology Officer
Manages IT applications, infrastructure and technical support services

Bud Hunt |

General Counsel 
Attorney for the district managing legal work and policies

Autumn Aspen |

Chief of Staff 
Lauren Hooten | 970.490.3009 |


Chief Information Officer
Madeline Novey | 970.490.3427 |