Boltz Middle School

alt""      School front

Address: 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins 80525
Phone: 970-472-3700

History and Culture

Just before Boltz was to open in the fall of 1972, a fire burned down most of the school. Determined crews immediately set about rebuilding the structure from the ashes up, and the school opened January 29, 1973. The Phoenix mascot embodies the renewal of the school after this event and serves as a proud symbol of our school today. We encourage our students to become lifelong learners and responsible citizens. Boltz is a place where respect, rigor, relevance, responsibility, and relationships drive learning. Our staff members provide a nurturing, safe environment founded on a culture of respect and understanding with a commitment to the academic, physical, social, and emotional growth of students.

Academics and Activities

Boltz prides itself in offering many curricular options. Our academics focus on cross-curricular language arts literacy and math literacy, intentional instruction on social emotional learning, restorative practice work through restorative circles and restorative conversations fostering problem solving skills students will utilize in high school and into adulthood. Our wide variety of elective classes include award winning band, orchestra, and choir, In addition to our musical theater, engineering explorations, art, yearbook, family and consumer studies, Spanish, and student council.

Because we believe that athletics and activities serve the valuable purpose of extending the learning and relationships that take place during our school day, we offer a myriad of clubs and activities. Our school sponsored clubs and activities include:

  • Student Council
  • WEB Leaders
  • Odyssey of the Mind
  • NJHS
  • Give Next
  • Maker’s Space
  • Technology Student Association
  • Lego Robotics
  • Spectrum Club
  • Athletic conditioning camp.  

Furthermore, we embrace the diversity of Fort Collins as we are privileged to house the Newcomer Program supporting new students to the United States. Student-initiated clubs often change each year based on student interest and this year include clubs like Board Game Club and Crochet Club. Boltz also has a long history of strong athletic programs with more district championships than any other middle school. We encourage all our students to participate in athletics and/or activities to promote their individual growth and development.

Restorative Circles and Restorative Practices

Restorative practices are foundational to our social emotional learning at Boltz. Eleven times a year all students participate in restorative circles which provides the building blocks of emotional regulation. In addition, restorative practices allow students the language and skills to rebuild damaged relationships and create long lasting healthy relationships in the future. 

Boltz Dual Language / Two-Way Immersion

Boltz extends the Dual Language Program to students who have an academic dual language background through elementary schools like Harris Bilingual and Irish Elementary Schools. Students receive rigorous academic instruction in Spanish and English, bilingual tasks (linguistic skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing in both languages), biliteracy skills, and multicultural competency, all while aligning with Colorado Academic Standards of ELA and World Languages. Students in the program are part of a cohort group that will exit Boltz having earned 10 credits of Spanish Language Arts and 10 electives credits. These credits will cover high school graduation requirements for World Languages, including but not limited to a Seal of Biliteracy, and one year of college entrance requirements for a foreign language. 

If you have questions, please visit the Boltz website or @#BoltzMS on Instagram. And, go Phoenix!