PSD schools celebrate season of giving 

Giving back to the community is not limited only to the holiday season. However, this time of year tends to be a season for sharing with others and reflecting on what is truly important. Many Poudre School District schools have established initiatives and events geared toward giving back in recent weeks and throughout the school year. Each school has unique traditions and ways they give back, but here are a few recent highlights across PSD.    

Fossil Ridge High School “Throw Down” for the Empty Bowls project 

The phrase “Throw Down” does not have immediate connotations to the holiday and giving season, but at Fossil Ridge High School, the annual “Throw Down” refers to an event involving pottery that brings students, staff, alumni and the community closer together. On Dec. 1, nearly 70 attendees, including 15 alumni joined the Fossil Ridge High School art department to create bowls for the Empty Bowls project. Empty Bowls is a worldwide movement that works to end hunger and emphasizes caring for one another. 

Fossil Ridge High School students make pottery bowls.


Boltz Middle School Birthday Bags 

Students from Boltz Middle School’s National Junior Honor Society came to school early on Dec. 2 to assemble birthday bags so families in need can give their children a birthday party. With these kits, birthdays are in the bag! What an incredible and unique way to make sure children feel celebrated on their special day.   

Boltz Middle School students organize birthday party kits to donate.

Rocky Mountain High School Adopt-A-Family 

Many schools across the district participate in adopt-a-family programs. Rocky Mountain High School completed its 27th year of Adopt-A-Family on Dec. 10. With cookie decorating, games, giveaways and gift delivery, volunteers welcomed 65 families and a total of 350 community members. It is incredible to see this tradition’s impact on the community grow at Rocky Mountain High School and every school with an Adopt-A-Family program. 

Rocky Mountain High School students organize for their Adopt a Family program.


Bamford Elementary School Gary Bamford Pack Pantry 

Throughout this fall, students, staff, and community members at Bamford Elementary have been working hard to implement their recently named Gary Bamford Pack Pantry. This student-led project is a community resource center on-site at Bamford to serve Bamford families and the greater PSD community. These students are excited to help give back and have worked hard to prepare the pantry in time for the dedication and grand opening on Friday, Jan. 13. 

Bamford Elementary students line up cans.